Thursday, February 17, 2011

Freedom and Frustration- Waking Up

Protests.  Chants.  Determination.  Longing for change.  No, this wasn't a demonstration in the United States of America, but in Egypt.  Then the domino effect occurred swiftly.  Other people in usually quiet countries like Bahrain, Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen, and Iran, began to recognize the need to rise up and demand a change in leadership.  Frustration heard around the world has become louder.

I was pretty shocked by the protests in Libya, where Gaddafi has ruled since 1969 with an iron fist.  People are feeling that change will happen.  If Mubarak stepped down in Egypt, after an 30 plus year rule, isn't it possible for other autocrats and dictators to do the same?  However, what has been appalling but inevitable, has been the rapid governmental response in Bahrain.  The government backlash demonstrates common refusal to listen.

People are telling each other to wake up.  If you have ever seen the Spike Lee film school days, there is an iconic scene where Lawrence Fishburne shouts, Wake Up".  Although his message was to the students at the college, the message was clear.  Egypt's process has just started, although Mubarek has supposedly stepped down.  The military has taken the reins and Mubarek controls the military. However, all eyes will be on Egypt to see how the march towards democracy will occur.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Constituents, Just a thought, but I think you forgot...

I live and breathe Washington, DC.  But the most recent elections on November 2010, have been a disappointment, from the typical campaign ads, the rallys and the  testimonials.  Let's keep it real.

This morning, as I turned on NPR, the first article - "GOP Declares a New Morning In America".  Really. Will the GOP or the Tea Party really save us?   Let's turn the clock back pre-President Obama.  The country was run by the GOP.  The deep mire, the issues, corrupt legislation, two wars, and an economic mess were riding the big wave.  We didn't feel all of the effects, but once President Bush Jr. left after serving 2 wasteful terms, boom, many felt and finally understood the results of his Administration's rule. But, yet, my fellow Americans flocked to the polls, asking for change. 

It's unfortunate that this country has become more visibly and openly racist since the election of our current President.  While vacationing in West Virginia with my family, we enjoyed kayaking, canoeing, and mountain climbing.  However,whenever you turned on the radio, you heard the "sweet ads".  The ads implored people to see how the changes the President presented on the economy, education, and healthcare, were wasteful.  The words thrown into the ad were entertaining, but in no way were actual facts presented to voters.  West Virginia listened keenly to ads and voted. 

I will never forget that a former school chum of mine declared how she wanted to make her own heathcare choices.  She didn't have healthcare and knew nothing about the bill.

We forget so soon that change comes from us. We have to hold our representatives responsible. Most of all, people should really read the legislation.